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Saturday, September 28, 2013

HCG Weight Loss Shots

HCG weight loss shots is the latest weapon in America's (and everybody else's who believes it) arsenal against obesity. Or so many proponents of the HCG diet would have you believe. It may or may not be true. The question is a source of much controversy and is open to debate. This being the case you would be wondering where to look for information concerning this.

The Federal Drug and Food Administration could be your first stop. As you know, the FDA has to approve any drug whatever purpose it may have been developed for. Not just the drug, but its uses as well. You could check out how the FDA takes HCG weight loss shots. It is common enough knowledge that FDA has not approved use of HCG for weight loss. In fact it requires that anybody who promotes its use for the purpose should get the patient's signature on a document saying that FDA has not approved its use for treatment or control of obesity loss and does not think it safe. Still, you may want to find out for yourself.

Another good source of information about the HCG weight loss shots would be your physician. Since HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a naturally occurring hormone with natural functions, every physician worth his salt would know of it. If you consider your physician trustworthy then she would be your best source of information regarding HCG's effectiveness in weight loss as well as any potential hazards and side effects.

You may also search for scientific studies conducted by various scientists on the effectiveness of HCG weight loss shots. There have been multiple studies conducted and most of them seem to indicate that HCG is ineffective in promoting weight loss or reducing cravings in women who are subjected to severe dieting. In any case, you may find the studies by searching on the internet. Some of them may not be available for free, but you will be able to read the abstract which would contain the results. You could verify their authenticity from the details of the data and the trial procedure provided as well as the authors' own credentials.

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